Sunday, January 3, 2010

Symptoms Of A Menstrual Migraine Headache

Migraines are almost a lifestyle disease, caused in many cases by the stress and pressures of modern life. They are usually a significant but bearable discomfort that does not happen too often and for which many generic treatments are available. But while looking at migraines as a universal problem, let us not forget that women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines as compared to men.

One of the main reasons for this is the menstrual migraine headache. These are headaches that begin just before their period begins and usually ends only when the period is over. The menstrual migraine headache is a specific form of the migraine that is caused by hormonal imbalances that occur in the female body at the time of the period. Not all women suffer from this and even those that do may not suffer from a headache every month.

The fact remains that a severe headache during the period can only increase the discomfort that women feel. There are many forms of menstrual migraines treatment, but before trying anything it is best to consult a doctor who will be able to diagnose is it is a case of menstrual migraine headache or not. If you suffer from all, or even some of the following symptoms, it is likely that you are getting menstrual migraine headaches and consulting a doctor for treatment is suggested.

Menstrual Migraine Headache Symptoms
The first thing to note is the frequency of the headaches. Do they occur every month at the same time – either at the beginning of or during your period? If this does not happen every month it could be a part of PMS. But if you find it happening continuously for 6 months, it’s probably a menstrual migraine headache. Once the headache starts, does it continue either as one long headache or a series of shorter spasms until the menstrual cycle is over? If yes, it is likely to be a menstrual migraine headache.

Is the pain near the temples and more on one side of the head than the other? Is it a throbbing pain? If so or if the pain is also in the neck or below the scalp, it is a menstrual migraine. Blurred vision is another typical symptom, when during the headache it may even be difficult to see things directly in front of you.

Sensitivity to light and an increase in pain when the ambient light suddenly gets brighter are other symptoms. Nausea, diarrhea, and flu like symptoms such as a blocked nose and even a slight fever are less common symptoms but may also indicate menstrual migraine headaches.

There are many forms of treatment available, but before you begin any of them, be sure that what you are suffering from are menstrual migraine headaches.

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