Friday, January 15, 2010

Menstrual Migraine Relief That really Work

More women than men suffer from migraines. And over 60% of the women who suffer from migraines find that the worst attacks come just before or during their periods. The pain can range from the significantly painful to acute pain which immobilizes a person and can prevent normal functioning for the duration of the attack. Since science has yet to come up with a cure for migraines of any kind, the treatments available are those that offer to either prevent the onset of the headache or those that offer menstrual migraine relief.

Best Form Of Menstrual Migraine Relief
Relief from pain means to be saved from it. So prevention is the best form of menstrual migraine relief. Among the many things you can do to reduce the chances of menstrual migraine attacks is to control your weight. Fat affects the estrogen levels in the blood and estrogen imbalance is a prime cause of menstrual migraines. If you are over weight, diet and also exercise. Exercise causes the body to release endorphins which reduce pain symptoms.

Menstrual migraine relief can also be obtained by controlling your diet. Eat lots of fiber and avoid processed foods, alcohol and sugar. Drink lots of water.

A large number of women are deficient in magnesium and vitamin B12. Taking magnesium and B12 supplements and eating foods rich in magnesium like green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans etc. will provide menstrual migraine relief.

Medical Menstrual Migraine Relief Options
Whatever you do to reduce the pain of a migraine, the fact remains that the migraine will hit you sooner or later and once it sets in, the pain can be bad, at best and unbearable, at worst. The first thing you should do when the attack starts is to take some Ibuprofen or other pain killer. There are some that are specially prescribed for pre menstrual migraine. Ask you doctor about them.

Since bright light aggravates the migraine, lying down in a dark quiet room will offer menstrual migraine relief. You can also try having a cup of mint tea or coffee. The mint in the tea offers both menstrual migraine relief as well as alleviating the symptoms of nausea that often accompany these attacks. Coffee also often helps but experiment to see if it works for you. Coffee provides menstrual migraine relief to some but aggravates the symptoms in others.

Some women find that drinking liquid magnesium offers quick menstrual migraine relief since the liquid is absorbed rapidly and restores the magnesium balance of the body.

There is no escape from menstrual migraines. But with a little care and planning, you can get the relief you need to make the condition bearable and allow you to carry on with your normal life to a large extent.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dealing With Pre Menstrual Migraine

PMS is bad enough but when it is accompanied by a bad migraine it can make life just not worth living and also cause you to lose a few valuable days each month. Some women are lucky enough not to suffer from menstrual or pre menstrual migraines.

But for others it is a fact of life and since there is no cure for the problem, learning to deal with pre menstrual migraine is the best solution available. Here are six things you can do to help you not just to cope with pre menstrual migraines but perhaps even to reduce their intensity and the amount of medication you have to take.

Six Ways To Deal With Pre Menstrual Migraine
Keep a diary of your pre menstrual migraine attacks. Note down exactly when they occur – is it always a specific time (e.g. 5 days) before your period starts? What are the accompanying symptoms – nausea, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, dizziness etc. Keeping a track of what happen to you will help you, and if need be, your doctor to deal with the problem.

Get a massage a few days before your period starts – this will help you relax and relieve the tension in your body. Try and analyze the things that stress you out more than normal just before your period starts and try to postpone the activities till later in the month. This reduction in stress can reduce the severity of the pre menstrual migraine.

Establish a regular exercise routine. Not only will your body be better able to cope with the pre menstrual migraine when it is fit, the amount of fat on your body can affect the release of the migraine causing hormones. Staying fit will allow you to cope with the migraine far better.
When you feel the pre menstrual migraine coming on, lie down in a dark and quiet room. Place an ice pack on your forehead. Yoga is a great way of relaxing and fighting off the worst of the pre menstrual migraine.

Examine your diet. Most women are deficient in vitamin B12 and magnesium. Taking supplements and eating the right foods can help you body to deal with the pre menstrual migraines. Keep a track of the foods that seem to trigger these attacks and avoid them. Setting yourself a migraine diet is one of the best natural ways to fight pre menstrual migraines.

There are many over the counter medications available for fighting migraines. Unless there is any medical reason why you should not, take the prescribed dosage when you feel the migraine attack start and continue to take the medication as directed.

There is no way to prevent a pre menstrual migraine, but with a little care and preparation, you can make it bearable.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What Is The Best Menstrual Migraines Treatment

First of all, let us be clear on what exactly is a menstrual migraine. It is a headache of severe intensity that occurs every month at the time of the menstrual cycle. A woman may also suffer from migraines due to other reasons.

The cause of menstrual migraines are very specific and related to the hormonal changes caused by the menstrual cycle, so it is important to differentiate which headaches are ordinary migraines and which ones need the specific menstrual migraines treatment. Migraine headaches are more common in women and about 60% of these headaches are connected with the menstrual cycle.

It is usual for women to pay more attention to aches and pains, including headaches around the time of their period and often ignore headaches that occur at other times. It is important to keep a record of when you get your headaches so that your doctor will be able to check to see if you are really suffering from menstrual migraines and recommend the correct menstrual migraines treatment for you. Prescribing menstrual migraines treatment for headaches that are not this type of migraine can be ineffective and even make the condition worse.

Types Of Menstrual Migraines Treatment
There is not one best menstrual migraines treatment. The metabolism and the overall health of the patient will influence the way any menstrual migraines treatment works. The most popular are:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are generic medications for the treatment of all types of migraines. While these do not address the specific causes of the menstrual migraine that menstrual migraines treatments do they are often found to be effective, especially in the case of those women whose attacks are not too severe. These are over the counter medications and are safe to take unless there are any side effects, in which case they should be stopped.

Triptans are a class of drugs that have been found to be effective as menstrual migraines treatments by offering a prophylactic option. This form of medication, which is available under a variety of brand names, is taken before the onset of the menstrual cycle and continued for the duration of the period. It has been found to be very effective in preventing the onset of the migraines.

Nasal sprays containing Dihydroergotamine are also used as prophylactic menstrual migraines treatments. This spray can be used at the beginning of the period and whenever the first signs of the migraine appear.

There are many special medications for menstrual migraine relief but these should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision since the effectiveness is dependent on various other aspects of the patient’s health and metabolism.

And there are a large number of alternative medicine options for menstrual migraine treatment. These range from homeopathy to Ayurvedic medications to herbal cures. Some women have found them to be effective while other have not so the jury is still very much out on these.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Symptoms Of A Menstrual Migraine Headache

Migraines are almost a lifestyle disease, caused in many cases by the stress and pressures of modern life. They are usually a significant but bearable discomfort that does not happen too often and for which many generic treatments are available. But while looking at migraines as a universal problem, let us not forget that women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines as compared to men.

One of the main reasons for this is the menstrual migraine headache. These are headaches that begin just before their period begins and usually ends only when the period is over. The menstrual migraine headache is a specific form of the migraine that is caused by hormonal imbalances that occur in the female body at the time of the period. Not all women suffer from this and even those that do may not suffer from a headache every month.

The fact remains that a severe headache during the period can only increase the discomfort that women feel. There are many forms of menstrual migraines treatment, but before trying anything it is best to consult a doctor who will be able to diagnose is it is a case of menstrual migraine headache or not. If you suffer from all, or even some of the following symptoms, it is likely that you are getting menstrual migraine headaches and consulting a doctor for treatment is suggested.

Menstrual Migraine Headache Symptoms
The first thing to note is the frequency of the headaches. Do they occur every month at the same time – either at the beginning of or during your period? If this does not happen every month it could be a part of PMS. But if you find it happening continuously for 6 months, it’s probably a menstrual migraine headache. Once the headache starts, does it continue either as one long headache or a series of shorter spasms until the menstrual cycle is over? If yes, it is likely to be a menstrual migraine headache.

Is the pain near the temples and more on one side of the head than the other? Is it a throbbing pain? If so or if the pain is also in the neck or below the scalp, it is a menstrual migraine. Blurred vision is another typical symptom, when during the headache it may even be difficult to see things directly in front of you.

Sensitivity to light and an increase in pain when the ambient light suddenly gets brighter are other symptoms. Nausea, diarrhea, and flu like symptoms such as a blocked nose and even a slight fever are less common symptoms but may also indicate menstrual migraine headaches.

There are many forms of treatment available, but before you begin any of them, be sure that what you are suffering from are menstrual migraine headaches.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Menstrual Migraine Treatment Available

Before you begin considering ways of menstrual migraine treatment, it is necessary that you are sure that what you are suffering from is a menstrual migraine headache and not general migraine triggered by some other factors. Rather than trying to analyze the cause of your headaches yourself, it is better to consult a doctor who will be able to more accurately diagnose whether it is actually a migraine, if it is a menstrual migraine and finally, prescribe some menstrual migraine treatment.

But before you even consult a doctor, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself so that you can discuss you problem with your doctor more coherently.

3 Questions To Ask Yourself
1. Does the headache develop just before, during or after your period?
2. Does it make you feel nauseous and sick?
3. Does it make you sensitive to light?
If you have answered yes to these questions, you most likely need menstrual migraine treatment.

Menstrual Migraine Treatments
The most drastic menstrual migraine treatment is hysterectomy. This should be resorted to only as a last resort since surgical options are best avoided and also because success is never guaranteed.

Many doctors recommend hormone therapy as an effective menstrual migraine treatment. While this does seem to offer relief, no detailed data has been collected to show how effective it really is. Another menstrual migraine treatment option is to use birth control pills to stretch the time between periods.

This has been found to be effective in a large number of cases but should be used only under a doctor’s supervision, since using oral contraceptives as a menstrual migraine treatment can have unintended side effects of various kinds. Having a doctor available to spot any incipient problems and change the treatment before any side effects become a major issue is important.

Many women use standard Over the counter medications for menstrual migraine treatment. These are called Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and include such common pain killers as Ibuprofen. These are safe to try, but if they do not produce results, stop and try some other form of menstrual migraine treatment. Another menstrual migraine treatment that many women favor is the use of Triptan drugs.

These are popular both as a treatment and as a preventive which is taken at the time of their period to prevent an attack. Once again, talk to your doctor before trying this form of menstrual migraine treatment. There are many brands available, all with different formulations, so it is wise the try out a few to see which produces the best results.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Causes Of Migraine Menstrual

Of all forms of headaches, the migraine is the worst. Women are three times more likely to suffer from migraines as men and the most common type is the migraine menstrual. These menstrual migraine headaches, as the name suggests, occur immediately before, during or after the period. They may also be caused by ovulation.

The symptoms of menstrual migraine are the same as other types of migraine. The headache begins on one side of the head and increases in intensity until it is a throbbing pain. The pain results in nausea, lassitude and sensitivity to light. These conditions persist until the headache begins to wear off. There are many forms of menstrual migraine treatment available, but before trying any of them, it is important to understand the causes of this affliction.

What Causes Menstrual Migraine
All migraines are caused by changes in the body’s hormone levels. Recent research reveals that a fluctuation in the levels of a hormone called Serotonin is the actual trigger that sets of the headaches.

It is possible that this is a genetic disorder where the body’s inability to metabolize Serotonin is inherited. While this may explain migraines in general, it is only a partial cause of the menstrual migraine. In women the menstrual migraine is caused by the way Serotonin acts upon specific female hormones.

Estrogen is the female sex hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle. When the levels of Estrogen and Serotonin reach an imbalance in the body, a menstrual migraine is triggered. An imbalance in the levels of another female hormone, Progesterone, is also thought to be a factor in setting off menstrual migraine headaches.

As every person’s body is different in the way its metabolism functions, some women are far more prone to menstrual migraines than others. In fact, a lot of women never have any kind of headache problems associated with their periods. Stress is a key factor in the changes in hormone levels in the body and can cause even women who do not suffer from menstrual migraines to have attacks.

Increased stress levels also impact the intensity of the headaches of those women who are prone to menstrual migraines. Since estrogen levels are affected by taking oral contraceptives, women on birth control pills often suffer more frequent and more severe attacks of menstrual migraines.